Who'd thunk I could write a whole blog entry about feet? :)
The foot pedal on the left is the old foot pedal to the Bernina 1230. It no longer works (although DH is sure he can fix it - I threatened to do great bodily harm if he touched it before the new pedal arrived). The middle pedal is the brand spankin' new foot pedal and the one on the right is the pedal to the 930 that I have been using. Now I can put it back with its machine and pack that machine. DH can have the pedal on the left to do with what he pleases and the middle pedal will be my constant companion for a few days!
I haven't been real happy with my 1/4" seams for a long time but the last time I checked, Bernina didn't make a #57 foot for my old machines. I think I had heard they were making one now and my good friend, Betty, who is a Bernina dealer, got this foot for me - not actually the foot shown in the picture because the one for my machine is just a bit different at the top. I'm using it for the first time tonight.
For the real feet - here are both my socks done and I have a second pair started. When I finished the first sock, I was so anxious to move on to a new pattern and new yarn but I kept myself focused and got the second sock done. I've blocked out my white legs! I should have planned better and started the second sock at the same spot in the yarn as I did the first sock. The stripes on the left foot don't match up with the stripes on the right sock. But .. it's my first pair and I love them. Thanks so much Susan for getting me started on making these socks.
My son . . I just don't know about that boy. I will spare you the details of the week he and I have had but it has been probably the hardest week of my parenting career. I think (hope/pray) we have things lined out and we can have a few smooth days. Anyway, he has been asking me if I would buy him some kind of python shoes. No! I don't pay that much for shoes. OK . . will you pay half? No! You don't need those kind of shoes. Well, today he shows up with them. I don't think I would have worn them home if someone had given them to me. He loves them!! He asked me if I liked them. I didn't want to say NO! I said "well, they're not something I would have bought for myself but if you like them, that's what matters." I don't understand this boy at all.
Judy L.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Posted by
8:34 PM
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Wow, a whole blog entry about "feet" - I found it very interesting. :-) I love the socks - cute, cute, cute. Way to go that you stuck with your second matching sock. I can't wait to see your second pair.
And, I'm so glad that I'm through raising kids. LOL
Yup, I'm with you. Not into those shoes. The socks on the other hand are really cool.
I'm excited to hear that they now have a 1/4 inch foot for the 1230. That is my machine too and I have been wanting one since they came out.
Judy, unless you stand with your feet together and wear a skirt or pull up your pant legs, no one will notice that the stripes don't line up. The socks are wonderful. Enjoy!
yup, not the shoes I'd choose either, but hey, as long as feet stay out of your socks and off your sewing pedal do you really care what they're clothed with? :-)
Those are yougly shoes! Sorry, Chad, but they are!! LOL
Judy, the socks are GREAT! Waytago!
I love that 1/4" foot! Love it!
Once again boys do the damndest things. I sometimes just laught at what my sons have done. Your sock are great! How did you do the photos of the socks and shoes?
Love the socks, don't love the shoes. Even a little!
I'm sure we all did things that made our parents blanche too. How did you manage to block out your legs, and does it work on hips?
Please let me know how you like that foot on your Bernina for piecing. I have also been cursing my 1/2" seams and also have a Bernina. If it works, I will head out to the dealer and get one ordered! Anything to make life easier!
I like the socks. The one thing about the toes being different is you know which foot they go on. I like Chads shoes. They are hip and I think they would be fun to wear. I hope he enjoys them. They will go well with the gutair. Dot
Interesting blog entry. My favorite feet for my sewingmachine is the 1/4 inch foot. I love it. Makes my sewing so easy. About MY feet. I can't walk in high heels LOL
Kids are funny sometimes. I guess he wanted the shoes so badly because you did not like them. That's the way my DD is sometimes. I think his shoes is very nice........for a teenager
i love the socks. They look so warm. I'd love to be able to make some socks.
KIDS!! Our DD18 needs another talking to tonight when her father gets home about how late she got home last night. Guess who didn't get any sleep until she got home?
Funny post! I think you will love the #57 foot. I put off getting one for a while, not sure it would be anything better than the #37. My 1/4" seams were FINE.... Then I bought the #57 and thought it was nice. One day I took out a WIP, which is a Paducah 9-Patch (note present tense--it's still a WIP), and started making some blocks. As I pressed and counted the finished blocks, I was quite surprised to see the new blocks were larger than the older blocks. Seems my seams weren't as perfect as I'd thought they were. You'll be glad you got it. As for that 1230 pedal, it's a treasure. I loved my old 1130 pedal--heavy and hardly crawled, and I loved the retractable cord. Hope hubby can fix it for you.
No telling what gets into young men. Being a parent is just tough sometimes!
I love the socks. If you hadn't mentioned the stripes not lining up, I doubt I would have noticed.
love the socks - not so sure about the shoes, very interesting to hear about the #57 foot for your model of Bernina, I have a 1090 which is the same fixing at the top of the foot but can't source one of those feet for this model range anywhere in the UK - not even the Bernina website - will have to keep my eyes peeled
Love the socks, but hate to knit. So I'll enjoy yours and all the other knitters.
DS works for a shoe store at the moment and comes home with some outrageous ones, but python-not yet.
I have two 1/4" feet for my Viking but I'm not happy with either one. I still feel like I have to draw the 1/4" line on the pieces with pencil. Just anal I guess.
How's the November hour a day quilt coming?
Raising my third young teen girl I'm used to outlandish fashion and even more outlandish prices for that fashion. The socks are super! You did a great job.
I love my 1/4 foot with the ridge. How anyone sews a perfect 1/4 seam without one is wonderment to me. Cindy B
The socks are great. The shoes are great shoes if you like them. I remember a large argument DD and I had over a pair of Candies she HAD to have. We are still laughing about that.
I was never able to get the scant 1/4 inch needed till I got the Duchess. Now I am all set on piecing.
Just be thankful you only have one boy and not my three. They're strange creatures for sure, but ya just gotta love 'em. One of these days you'll find those shoes in the back of his closet and it'll make you smile. Just swallow hard, take a deep breath and tell yourself.....'this too shall pass'. It does, and you'll survive!
thanks for the info about the Bernina #57. May invest in one myself.
Your socks look great!!
I thinkg stripey hand kint sock are supposed to be "off" that is part of their charm.
Love the socks! I'm with you on the shoes...BOYS! Who knew they could make us so nuts when they were our little bundles of joy many, many years ago. I am so excited about the 57 foot for the 1230...I have a 37 foot but am going to have my Bernina gal order me the 57. My foot pedal is a little touchy sometimes so I'm thinking it's probably on it's last leg too. Better order that too. Thanks for the info.
Great job on the socks Judy and you accomplished one of the biggest challanges for sock making, finishing the second one !
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